SWERIK Person Catalog

Oscar Lövgren

Location Specifier (i-ort)

  • Boden
  • Luleå
  • Nyborg

External Identifiers

  • Wikidata
  • Dictionary of Swedish National Biography ID

Positions Held

Member of the Second Chamber (Ledamot)

  • Norrbottens Läns Valkrets
  • 01 Jan 1922 — 31 Dec 1948

Member of the Second Chamber (Ledamot)

  • Norrbottens Läns Norra Valkrets
  • 01 Jan 1918 — 31 Dec 1921

Party Affiliations

Socialdemokratiska vänstergruppen

• • •

Last updated on 2024-01-08 17:17:12 from the Riksdagen Corpus v0.12.0.